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Fan of the Month - 2008

Hello Peter,

Thank you for not being afraid to say the word and use the name of GOD. I have been a fan since 1976 (I was 13) and met you in Nashville, TN just after you left Kiss. You were doing a drum showcase for Pearl drums at the Maxwell House hotel. My mom took a picture of you and me, and I couldn't wait to show my friends. She was so nervous when taking the picture, that she only got us from the nose down. Man, was I dissapointed. She cried and I almost did. But, I love her for trying. Thank you for being a real person ( that really means alot to fans), and for standing up for what you believe in. Life is short, and I consider myself blessed to have lived during the time of one of the, if not THE, greatest drummer of all time.

May GOD continue to bless you and your family,



hello peter

i have been into kiss since the alive lp and just wanted to say i loved your drum solos in the live lps (they were bad ass). i was lucky to meet you back in the late 80s early 90s at rock of ages in garden city michigan you signed 2 records for me and i still have them till this day ( very happy to have them) ( KISS IS NOT KISS WITH OUT YOU AND ACE) BACK IN THE DAY GENE WAS VERY COOL TO ME BUT I THINK HIM AND PAUL LOST TRACK OF THE WHOLE ROCK N ROLL THING. well hope the best for you and your family and the same to ace if you talk to him. write back if you can

1 of you big fans leon






Hey Peter-

I'm sure you've heard all the stories by now (been a fan since I was a year old, etc.) Just wanted to let you know that the first album I was "allowed" to buy as a kid was your 78 solo album and turned my mom and family on to you as a valid songwriter/musician. Everyone loved it and I could blast it as loud as I wanted! It enlightened everyone and was the stepping stone to dismantle all the stereotypes that came along with rock and roll being played in a catholic home. Since then i weasled my way into being able to buy all the previous kiss catalog along with your later solo work & much more. You were the "cat"alyst for my musical freedom. Thank you for all you've done for me and the rest of the world!

God Bless You. Rob


Dear Cat-Man,

Just a quick email to say what a talented musician/singer/songwriter you are...a love affair that started as a girl has lasted now that I have grown into a woman...BLESS YOU and long may you ROCK!
With love always and kindest regards,

One of your adoring pussy-cats, (MEOW)
Kentucky Wildcat



Here are some pictures from my super fun 40th birthday party.  My very cool wife surprised me with this amazing cake.  The house was full of family and friends and many musicians who know what a huge influence your drumming style has been on me.  I am a drummer in Seattle and the reason I started playing was because of watching KISS on the Paul Lynde show in 1976. THANK YOU SO MUCH for inspiring me to play the drums it has made my life so greatand I have made so many life long friends because of the music you made with KISS.

Please come and play Seattle again soon so I can thank you in person and maybe you can show me how you swing like that on the drums!

Rock on,
Chris Friel



I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to you for introducing me to drums from the age of 8yrs. I am now 39 yrs and have been playing drums in various bands in Tasmania and recently played in Liverpool (the Cavern), Hamburg and recorded at Abbey Road studios. You are the reason I play drums. I congratulate you for your career to this point and wish you all the best in your future endeavours. I still believe you are the greatest drummer I've seen and was thrilled when you performed in Melbourne with KISS and the symphony orchestra. I hope one day you return to Australia so I can catch one of your gigs again.


Stewart Cashion
Hobart, Tasmania


Hey there Mr. Criss:

Hope you are doing well. I am Anne, I am 19 years old and I am from Mexico, I just wanted to let you how much I admire your work as drummer, singer and writer... I may be young, but since I am 6 years I listen to Kiss music and you were (are) my fave member, Back then I couldnt understand your lyrics but I specially loved the "I cant stop the rain" song, and now that I can understand it, I love it even more!! Its just amazing and full of emotions!! And not to forget that my fave Kiss songs were (are) "Hard Luck Woman" and "Beth" I know it said to keep our letters brief, but I think this words are not even enough to express how much I admire you and love your music Mr. Cat!!

*Many hugs and kisses for you and your Family*


Dear Peter:

I am writing to ask you to Make my friend Steve a Fan Of The Month. He works in Hollywood as a Peter Criss look-alike....and I am a HUGE KISS FAN...and her REALLY looks and plays the part well. I have ben there at times when people have approached and and I quote....."Are you the REAL Peter Criss from KISS?"...And al l of this aside...Steven is just a genuine all sround "Good Guy"...Freindly to everyone he meets, always there top lend a helping hand, attending Charity Benefits, etx... I would on, but I think I made my point, I don't need to keep rambling.

Hope everything is well with you!!! Keep Rockin!!!



This is Noah Bailey who like to be called the Catman and he is a second generation Kiss Fan.

Thanks to his Dad Matt Bailey. Rock On !!!


Dear Mr. Criss:
I want to thank you for the joy and entertainment you have brought me. I absolutely love your music and am in awe of your skills.

Thank you kindly,



hey my name is Tyler i am a drummer as well and you are my favorite drummer and i look up to you in my career as you have worked hard to where you got a band kiss and everything kiss is also my favorite band! I've never seen you play or met but i know you are the best guy ever known some people may not but you are kick ass man! well have a good one and have a great day!

god bless the CATMAN


Hi Peter,

My name is Guillermo Samano and I'm a big fan of yours for awhile. I'm 16 and I heard of KISS but never heard of there music before when I was little. Now Im a huge fan of KISS. I love all your solos. Your druming beats pump me up when playing football or playing my guitar. When I look at you, I never give up.

Thank you For the music that you inspire me and the rest of the Catfans.



I have been a fan since I was 10. You are the reason I play drums (30 years). I hope someday I will get to meet you (lifelong dream). Our b-days are the same and I have a tattoo of you from the Destroyer album on my right arm and all 4 Kiss faces on my back. Keep Rockin.



Hello Peter!!!

I'm a fellowNew Yorker..born in Queens...Been a KISS fan all my life..I'm 41...and started playing drums because of you!!! After I heard Destroyer for the first time in 1976...That was it!!

Been playing in Rock,Jazz bands and currently in a wedding outfit working the circuit....but I'm writing to you to tell you about my son Corrado "CJ"..

He loves you!!...He saw a KISS video for the first time when he was 2...and he was hooked....He's now 3 and he has a "mini" Groove Percussion set that he plays along to tunes like
"Hard Luck Woman...BABY Driver"...etc...Of course he has a bit to go ....but he loves it!!! He also has the "Catman" action figure..he luvs it!!!

Anyways .. wanted to share..and I've enclosed a photo of him wearing a T-Shirt of his favorit band : )

Keep Rockin',
Corrado Mazzuca


Dear Peter,

I am one of your loyalist fans! i am 42 and a fan for 30 years! yes i started young! i wanted you to know you are a massive influence on my life, you are an amazing drummer and singer, you know you have so much respect from the fans, if only you would play one gig in the UK, it would be a dream to see you live behind those drums again!! please print this letter so you know i exist! lots of love, good health and happiness to you and your family.

Janet McEwan, Perth, Scotland. UK.


Hi Peter,

My first KISS album was your 78 solo album, and you were always my favorite because you love God and express that publicly. I love that. I've been a musician since I was 13. I'm 42 now and do a lot of home recording. You were the reason I wanted to learn to play drums. My favorite songs on your 78 solo are YOU MATTER TO ME and I CAN'T STOP THE RAIN. Both of those songs are emotional for me and give me chills everytime, and I've always wanted to see you perform them.
I got married in 1995, and one of my wife(then girlfriend) and I's first dates was you and ACE at the Off Ramp in Seattle-and I still have a shirt from it.
Take care and God bless you friend.

A Peter Criss fan forever

Robert A Gould
Bremerton WA


hi peter,

my name is hailey and i am 12 years old.i have listened to kiss since i was 2 years old.i am a girl and out of kiss you are my favorite!do not stop playing drums and living your dream!

you friend hailey!


Hi Peter

I'm Brandon I'm 14 and I am a really big fan of yours.I have liked you and Kiss since I was 4 years old and you have always been my favourite member.I also loved what you did with your solo career "The Cat" is my favourite.
May I also say I like the fact you believe in God and you're not afraid to admit it.That's all I hope to have the pleasure of one day meeting you.

Thanks Peter


Hello Peter i'm your veery big fan...

I love your 1978 solo album.

Don't you Let me Down or Tossin' and Turnin' is best your song.

But Beth is best...

Anyway my name is Jaakko i'm 12yers old. I'm From Finland.

But i have a band named Shock. We play lots of kiss covers so can i use same make up than you and same clothes? =)


Peter Criss,

This is Joe Penn, drummer from MIKELL'S PLOT! As you know I am a HUGE KISS Fan, and so are my band mates. I am including a photo of the band, I am third from the left, of course with the KISS Shirt. Hopefully one day in the future, our paths will cross.

Rock ON!

Joe Penn


Hi Peter and Family,

I am a fan of yours! The first time I heard KISS ,I was amazed..The first song I heard was Beth....It was beautiful...still is..I know your life was hard..And I am glad everything is going good for you now..You have a wonderful family..I know
sometimes you do not get a "thank you" for all you do...and I just wanted to say ,thank you...my son is going to be 5 soon and we listen to you in the car.
He loves to jam...!!!!

Many blessings from God to you and yours!

Just a fan,



Hi Peter,

I am 41 years old and long time fan of yours.I also am a drummer,but have not played in years.I love all the things you have done.Thanks for the music and rock on!

Your friend Mike.



Words can't express the joy that you're music has brought to my life. It has been the soundtrack to my life for the last 29 years and for that I thank you.

Music heals and I truly believe that. I listen to many different genres depending on my mood but yours is one that I turn to when I need a lift or just a taste of "home cooking". Quite simply put, your music takes me home. Home to a place of familiarity, memories of my youth and now middle age. Here is a picture that my mom took of me in 1979. I was 6 years old and doing my darnest to look like my favorite drummer.

God bless you and your family, Peter. Thanks for inspiriring me to pick up drum sticks.

One 4 all,
Michael Millette


Hello Peter,

My name is Kenny Bishop, and I live in Lebanon, IN. I played the part of Peter Criss in the Indy based tribute band KIST from Oct. 2000 to Mar. 2003. It was an experience that I will never forget! I had always thought of what a thrill it would be to be a member of KISS, and I was able to live out the next best thing to it. I want to thank you Peter for being such a strong influence to me as a drummer.

I have been a huge KISS fan since late ' 75 when I was 11 years old. I was never given the chance to see KISS in concert until after the make-up came off. So when the reunion tour came to Indy in ' 96, it was one of the most exiting moments of my life to finally see the original lineup in full make-up and costume. That was the last concert I saw at Market Square Arena before the city tore it down. I saw you once again Peter during the Farewell tour at the Conseco Field House in Indy. That too was an awesome show!

I am now 43 and have been playing the drums for 31 years. I have played for many bands, but none have been as exiting as playing for KIST. There are times that I wish I still played for them, but as we both know, sometimes other matters get in the way and cause us to move on in other directions. I want to thank you once again for your influence.

May God always bless you Peter and your entire family.
Sincerely, Kenny Bishop


Hi Peter,

First and foremost, you are the best drummer around! You have such a huge impact on me in so many ways. I think the biggest is that I know when I am in a bad mood or just need to chill, I'll play almost all of your drum solo's from the KISSology series,especially the one from Dodger's Stadium Psycho Circus tour. My wife and I were there for our first concert together. I love to watch you play, your speed and sound is way to incredible. My wife just loves me one I get into one of those moods because I take over the tv for about an hour or so!! Its great!!! Although she is a fan also, she just hates to admit it. I could go on for an hour on so many things, but I'll keep it short. Thanks for being a part of Kiss and a part of my life!!

God Bless and hope to meet you some day.!

P.S. This is cute.

My daughter(age 6) just came up to me to see what I was doing. I told her, and she said."Oh, the one that plays the drums.. He's my favorite!" And by the way, she likes your version of Send In The Clowns too.

Thanks for everything!


Hey Pete,

Bought One For All today and have been listening to it twice now. I think it's wonderful and just might be your best work yet. I really like the solo album in 78 and and the Cat album in 94. However, this one new one might beat them both although I think the 78 solo is very close. I can't decide which. Anyway, just wanted to commend you on a fantastic effort. One For All is awesome.

Thanks and God Bless,'
Jason Stephens A fan forever.


Hi Peter,

I recently went to NAMM in Anaheim dressed as Peter Criss and had a great time. People were shaking my hand and taking photos with me for two days straight. I couldn't walk 10 feet without a KISS fan coming up to me and telling me how much they love Peter Criss. Thought you might like this photo of one of the many Peter Criss fans at the convention this year!



Hi Peter.

I feel so privileged to say that you have been a huge part of my life (Musically). You are the main reason that I picked up a set of sticks and started singing. I listened to you for the first time on the Destroyer album and was hooked ever since. You helped me through a lot of hard times in my life and for that I thank you. You are the best in my eyes and I do my best to be more like you musicly. Keep up all your good work and I look forward to hearing more from you.

Your loyal fan, Bruce Wind.


Hi Peter,

I am a fan from Sydney, Australia. Thought I'd share a sketch I just recently completed, I based the artwork on your 1994 album Cat #1, which is by far one of my favourite album covers.

I've been a fan of your since I was 6 years old, I am now 31. You have been a great inspiration and a major influence in my musical endeavours. In fact if it wasn't for you I would have never taken up an interest in the drums or have found an interest in art.

It was truly an unforgetable experience seeing you perform live during the 1997 Kiss Australian tour and the Kiss Symphony Concert in Melbourne in 2003.

Thanks for the memories Pete, you are without a doubt a legend.

Fan for life,
Peter K.


Dear Peter!

By this i would like to say thank you thank you for all the years you been a part of my life since 1975.i could wrote pages up and down in witch ways ,but im gonna be short:)
we both gone tru hard times in life ,but tru lot of your music many of those days been lot easier to go tru :)

I wish you your familly and friends all the best stay safe stay strong :)God bless

Best regards from Max Norway.


Hi Peter

My name is wayne i,m 38 i,ve been playing drums for 10 years. I wanted to say thank you for all the memories and your awsome contribution to rock.I grew up idolizing you and actully was wanting to be a drummer because of you.My wife got me tickets to your farewell tour for my birthday in 2000 the greatest gift ever.That show will be forever one of my fondest memories for that i say thank you for being my idol.

Wayne Herbert
St Catharines Ont Canada


Hi Peter!

I stared playing drums in the Christmas of 1965! My grandmother on my mother's side bought me a drum set and my grandmother on my Dad's side bought me the Beatles's Second Album. I put the record on my phonograph and started to copy Ringo! I never took lessons. It is a God Given talent which I thank the Lord everyday for giving me!

There was a time that I got together with three other guys and we used to put on a KISS concert at the local Knights of Columbus hall and donate the money to charity. Now that's having an influence! And guess what, I was the only "Real" musician!

I am 48 years old now and still play.

Needless to say your music has had a profound influence in my life. I followed you and Kiss the moment you came out!

Thanks for being such a huge influence on my playing.

God Bless you and your Family and keep Rockin!

Here's a picture from the early days (late 60's)! And another from 1978 with me trying to teach my Great Aunt a beat!!

Greg Hajduk


Hi Peter

I am 42 male from Australia and have been a die hard fan of yours and kiss for 30 years , finally
got tattoo that ive been wanting to get for years , what do you think ?


Hi Peter,

I just wanted to say that I really love your new CD and I'm glad you followed your heart and made the record YOU wanted to make. Your voice sounds just as great as ever and it's such a treat to hear honest music for once. "Send In The Clowns" gave me chills! Don't ever listen to the nay-sayers! Follow your heart!! You are the reason I play music today and I know I'm just one of the many lives you have touched with your art. Thank you for making this record. It came along at just the right time!

I hope you have a great birthday tomorrow and a wonderful Merry Christmas!

Dave DeMarco


Dear Peter,

i am a 12 year old boy and i think you are one of the best rockers of all time. you are right when you said that you don't play music for the money. you are a great drummer and i think i am going to name one of my kids after you and SHOUT IT OUT LOUD.

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